Rav Menashe Klein, z'l and Reb Pinchas Menachem Alter were mechutanim. Reb Aryeh Alter, z'l (son of Reb Pinchas Menachem) was niftar very young by a freak accident. He was hit by the mirror of a bus on his was to selichos on the narrow streets of meah She'arim.
Rav Menashe Klein, z'l and Reb Pinchas Menachem Alter were mechutanim. Reb Aryeh Alter, z'l (son of Reb Pinchas Menachem) was niftar very young by a freak accident. He was hit by the mirror of a bus on his was to selichos on the narrow streets of meah She'arim.